Nimat Alesh's Corner

Everything that keeps life going


Monday 4 June 2018


A  Zenith Bank contract staff Lawanson Alaseyori Oluwabukola, who went on cash movement to a branch in Trinity Road, Apapa, was reportedly knocked by a moving truck on her way back to the office, it was gathered that the bullion van that took her and the cash, left afterwards, for her to finalize the process. 

Why would a bank such as Zenith Bank with high Magnitude and profit-oriented financial institution, allow a Contract staff with no Medical allowance, Welfare allowance and other benefits that a professional staff enjoys would be in charge of Cash movement in the organization?.   
A lady that earns N75, 000 on monthly basis died on a function that was supposed to be carried out by complete staff. A bank that doesn't care about the welfare of their contract staff. It is a dishonour that Zenith Bank is using BSc holders as contract staff. 
Amongst all the banks in Nigeria, Zenith Bank is the lowest when it comes to salary and staff welfare but number one when it comes to profit making. Thinking profit is what keeps an organization going without taking cognizance of their staff, especially at the ground level. Generally, bankers don't disclose their salary but it worse with Zenith. They only have a brand which is over-hyped. In this same setting, there is marginalization when decisions and other things are considered.

May her soul Rest in Peace.

Culled from: Nairaland

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